Re-Energise < Go back

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group of people about to go for a swim in a leisure center pool

What we aim to achieve

“Your body and mind for life.”

Re-Energise aims to enable people to lead more active, fulfilling and happier lives, by: 

  • enabling people to be more physically active

  • creating opportunities for people to develop stronger social networks

  • reducing levels of depression, anxiety and stress

What we do


  • outreach and recruitment

  • one-to-one support and confidence building

  • collective activity and socialisation

  • transferring into mainstream services


  • Focusing on long-term lifestyle changes rather than a short-term, quick-fix approach. 

  • Increased physical activity reduces the causes of mental and physical health problems. 

  • A holistic approach will reduce levels of long-term conditions, stress and depression, and reduce mortality rates. 

  • Reducing these effects will reduce demand for clinical services, including prescribing rates, primary care and hospital admissions. 

What difference does it make?

  • increased levels of physical activity

  • improved diet and nutrition

  • improved social activities

  • improved physical health

  • improved mental and emotional well-being

Where we operate

Charlestown and Lower Kersal, in the City of Salford.

Who is eligible

Residents who are inactive, but who want to change, with an underlying medical condition or risk, and whose participation in society is limited by economic, environmental or social disadvantage, exclusion or marginalisation.

Who to Contact

Chris Dabbs (Chief Executive)

Contact details below

Who invests in us

Commissioned by Charlestown & Lower Kersal New Deal for Communities



“I am a different person now; I can control my situation and act differently.” (client)