Meaningful Employment of Autistic People < Go back

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What we aim to achieve

There is significant economic development in Salford, with several key growth industries. There appears to be employer demand to fill skills gaps and significant under/unemployment of autistic people likely to have talents in fields that employers want. 

Neurodiversity offers a business upside: neurodivergent people literally think differently and, although diverse, tend to have certain strengths different from neurotypical people. 

Autistic people offer both a new pool of talent, and a greater diversity of thought within a workforce and teams. They can offer an employer improved productivity, reduced staff turnover and reduced sickness absence. 

The purpose of the project is to develop a practical approach that matches the demands of employers and the supply of skills and talents from autistic people. The ultimate aim is to create a social enterprise, linking autistic people to appropriate meaningful employment in local industries.

What we do

We first completed research phase with local employers, autistic people and autism organisations. This compared the demands/needs of local employers with the realistic ‘supply’ of autistic people who are willing and able to fill the roles available. Read the research report here

Based on the research, we then produced two practical guides:

  • Fulfilling Your Potential - a guide for autistic people to find meaningful employment, using your strengths and talents
  • Untapped Potential - a guide for employers on how to benefit from recruiting and retaining autistic people

To obtain copies:

Click Fulfilling Your Potential or Untapped Potential for a compressed pdf version 

For a high quality version please contact

Or for a Flipbook version choose Fulfilling Your Potential  or Untapped Potential


Where we operate


Who is eligible

Autistic people without learning disabilities. This includes people who are neurodiverse in other ways, such as attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), dyslexia and dyspraxia.


Who to Contact

Chris Dabbs, (Chief Executive)

Contact details below.