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Greater Manchester




To improve access to fun, friendships and meaningful activities by people who are lonely, by increasing and strengthening positive human connection through sustainable social networks.



We first ran a 12-month Spreading Our Net project in Barton and Winton, in Salford. This focussed on better connecting what was already there – especially community and local businesses, which are the mainstays of most people’s lives. 

Through ‘wandering with purpose’ – scanning and networking in the neighbourhoods – Spreading Our Net identifies assets that already exist within neighbourhoods and communities. It also facilitates natural, trusted connectors within populations to create denser, stronger social networks. With these, we can create entry points into local social networks for people who feel lonely, through their own trusted contacts.

We have subsequently established the evidence base for the social networking approach, engaged with practitioners and service design professionals across Greater Manchester, and articulated the approach in a way that responds to professional needs and to strategies of key agencies. From, this we developed an offer to the public services’ system, making the case for change for positive human connection.


The impact of the project is yet to be assessed.


Funded by 

Salford Clinical Commissioning Group with support from Salford CVS, and Greater Manchester Combined Authority

Spreading Our Net
