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Salford,within a national project


2015- 2016


For the NHS to create a new relationship with patients and communities that builds on their strengths and assets and supports individuals to be more active in managing their own health and care.


Realising the Value was led by Nesta and the Health Foundation. 

The programme was split into three stages: assess the potential for impact (by reviewing evidence); develop and test tools and resources; and bring the learning together into a final set of resources and recommendations. 

Unlimited Potential was one of the five partner sites, in partnership with Inspiring Communities Together. This focussed on the theme of asset-based approaches in a health and well-being context. 

From local projects, including Dadly Does It, the partner site produced learning about asset-based approaches.


The learning from the programme is summarised in Realising the Value: ten key actions to put people and communities at the heart of health and well-being.

The full learning and resources from the whole programme are on the national Realising the Value website. These were aimed at commissioners, providers and practitioners putting person and community-centred approaches into practice, as well as to policy makers and regulators.


Funded by 

NHS England via Nesta

Realising the Value

Realising the Value - ten actions