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It’s A Goal!

2010- 2015

Men to have happier and healthier lives through: reduced social isolation and increased social inclusion; increased positive mental health and well-being; and increased employability.

Time Banking

2009- 2017

To strengthen communities by drawing people together and by developing mutual friendships and support.

Carers’ Development


To provide improved support for adult carers in their locality, improved information dissemination and signposting for carers, and improved opportunities for breaks from caring.

Local Involvement Network

2008- 2013

To provide support and advise the Local Involvement Network (LINk) in Salford to carry out a programme of activities in line with its statutory duties.

Healthy Communities Collaborative


To improve the number of people identified as being at risk of cancer and put them in contact with primary care services. To promote the early identification of people at increased risk of cardiovascular disease, in order to facilitate earlier assessment and management.

Smoke-Free Homes/Spaces


Initially, to reduce the harm caused by second-hand smoke by encouraging smoke-free environments at home. Later, to support the creation of a smoke-free city by reducing the impact of smoking on health inequalities.