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Your Well-being Potential

2011- 2013

To integrate people with mental health problems back into their communities.

Health to Well-being Network

2016- 2016

To improve health and well-being of the local population of Eccles and Irlam in Salford and to reduce pressures on the primary health care system by signposting people to more appropriate services.

Realising the Value

2015- 2016

For the NHS to create a new relationship with patients and communities that builds on their strengths and assets and supports individuals to be more active in managing their own health and care.


2015- 2019

To enrich the experience of young people of the prospects around them through experiential learning and education, in order to inspire their dreams for the future, enable more equal life opportunities, and develop their ability to realise them.

Elephants Trail


To solve challenges that people experiencing multiple disadvantage think are most important, so that people can live meaningful lives with dignity and opportunity in supportive communities

Eccles Together in Health

2015- 2016

To enable local people to have a voice in general practice and, at the same time, address one of the main challenges facing general practice in managing demand.