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2018- 2022


To address the autism employment gap (only about 21% of autistic people are in full-time paid employment).


We did initial research and consultation with local people, whose findings are reflected in the Meaningful Employment of Autistic People report.

We then developed and tested both an employment pathway for autistic people and a programme for employers, in order match the supply of skills and talents of autistic people with employment that is meaningful and fulfilling. 

This produced two practical guides, which were distributed through relevant organisations and networks across Greater Manchester:

  • Fulfilling Your Potential – a guide for autistic people to find meaningful employment, using your strengths and talents [available as a flipbook]
  • Untapped Potential – a guide for employers on how to benefit from recruiting and retaining autistic people [available as a flipbook]



Movement towards more local autistic people in meaningful employment, and more local employers with people with the skills that they need.


Funded by 

Salford Clinical Commissioning Group and Salford City Council, with support from Salford CVS

Meaningful Employment of Autistic People


Untapped Potential - employer's guide

Fulfilling Your Potential - employment pathway