
We facilitated a city-wide community wealth-building project on behalf of Partners in Salford. The approach is summarised in our grower’s guide to nurturing an inclusive and green economy.
We enabled economic development and public health professionals to deepen their working partnerships and mutual understanding.
We developed the Salford Local Anchors Network, involving local anchor institutions from the private, public and social sectors. With them, we analysed supply chain expenditure and identified realistic market opportunities for local social and co-operative businesses, worth at least £10 million per year.
With local young adults from low-wealth communities, we co-produced social/co-operative businesses to become new suppliers to local anchor institutions. They then established initial trading arrangements.
The story of our journey is in the Economics with People blog.

Our vision is for a fairer and more inclusive local economy that delivers greater social and environmental justice, where wealth is shared more widely across all communities.
Towards this, in its Corporate Plan 2024-2028, Salford City Council committed to ensure that the city’s economic development is better used to improve population health and reduce inequalities, including by the local anchor institutions working together to ensure that every pound spent is maximised for local benefit.
Community wealth building, including the action plan of Salford Local Anchors Network, became a key part of the new Salford Way strategy. Similarly, both community wealth building and co-production with local people were made part of Salford’s Locality Plan for health and well-being.