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2015- 2016


To enable local people to have a voice in general practice and, at the same time, address one of the main challenges facing general practice in managing demand.


We brought local people and general practices to work together in small improvement teams on three issues of shared concern, to improve access and reduce demand:

  • dealing with minor ailments – by promoting the minor ailments scheme using word of mouth (including a children’s story to encourage ‘pester power’ of children)
  • reducing missed appointments – by texting carefully worded appointment reminders to people attending clinics run by practice nurses (based on evidence from Australia)
  • piloting ‘asthma parties’ (group consultations) for children aged 5-11 years and their families


We used an improvement model to gather and use local insight, based on three questions: aim; measures; and changes. Key changes were then implemented through ‘plan-do-study-act’ (PDSA) learning cycles.


The self-evaluation reflected the impact on each of the three issues.

The action project on minor ailments saw a shift in demand from general practices to community pharmacies.

Having tested the wording of the ‘avoiding loss to practice’ message, there was a positive response to text messaging by practice nursing. 

There was a strong attendance by parents and children at ‘asthma parties’ piloted in primary schools. This work evolved into the BreathStars project.


Funded by 

Innovation Fund of Salford Clinical Commissioning Group

Day by Day
