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Salford and Morecambe Bay


2012 – 2013


To reduce the harm caused by alcohol, by moderating the amount of harmful drinking.


We explored the design of ‘The Facility that brings you alive’. With the support of a design associate from Snook, we did a research and prototyping project, going through stages of establish, discover, define, develop, deliver, reflect.

Through this process, we improved our understanding of local people’s motivations and desires, and how they spent their money for leisure activities. We then tested our insights and assumptions in a live setting, before producing our first concept.


The project produced the prototype concept of the Brew Club. This is a programme to tackle the underlying issues of problem drinking by

engaging participants in a 6-week brewing course, so that they make their own beers, ciders and ales together.


Funded by 

The Design Council, and the Social Enterprise Investment Fund via The Social Investment Business

Brew Club

Case Study