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Local Employer Attractiveness

2019- 2020

To widen access to quality employment for local communities in the local NHS, and to grow a workforce that reflects the communities that it serves.

Local Involvement Network

2008- 2013

To provide support and advise the Local Involvement Network (LINk) in Salford to carry out a programme of activities in line with its statutory duties.

Meaningful Employment of Autistic People

2018- 2022

To address the autism employment gap (only about 21% of autistic people are in full-time paid employment).

Reimagining the Purpose of Town Centres


To reimagine the economic, environmental and social purpose of town centres in a digital future, so that they are vibrant places that are frequented by more people more often and have an optimal wider impact.

Time Banking

2009- 2017

To strengthen communities by drawing people together and by developing mutual friendships and support.

Wayfinding – Young Adult Renal Clinic

2009- 2017

To optimise outcomes for young adults with renal conditions, by improving attendance and engagement with specialist renal care.