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It’s A Goal!

2010- 2015

Men to have happier and healthier lives through: reduced social isolation and increased social inclusion; increased positive mental health and well-being; and increased employability.

Local Employer Attractiveness

2019- 2020

To widen access to quality employment for local communities in the local NHS, and to grow a workforce that reflects the communities that it serves.

Local Involvement Network

2008- 2013

To provide support and advise the Local Involvement Network (LINk) in Salford to carry out a programme of activities in line with its statutory duties.

Meaningful Employment of Autistic People

2018- 2022

To address the autism employment gap (only about 21% of autistic people are in full-time paid employment).

Positive Masculinities


To shift attitudes and behaviours towards positive masculinity within different age groups. To reduce gender-based violence against women and girls.

Shifting Control of Wealth


To redesign the economy, with key decisions about how it works taken democratically, so that the economy works for the common good, by spreading power and wealth.