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Smoke-Free Homes/Spaces


Initially, to reduce the harm caused by second-hand smoke by encouraging smoke-free environments at home. Later, to support the creation of a smoke-free city by reducing the impact of smoking on health inequalities.

Social Innovation with NHS Foundation Trusts

2012- 2013

To test an approach to social innovation with NHS foundation trusts engaging with social innovators and social entrepreneurs within the social sector, in order to produce new solutions to ‘wicked’ problems faced by the NHS.

Speaking Dadly


To learn how dads might best be supported and enabled around speech, language and communication of their children, and to spread this learning.

Spreading Our Net


To improve access to fun, friendships and meaningful activities by people who are lonely, by increasing and strengthening positive human connection through sustainable social networks.

Time Banking

2009- 2017

To strengthen communities by drawing people together and by developing mutual friendships and support.

Wayfinding – Young Adult Renal Clinic

2009- 2017

To optimise outcomes for young adults with renal conditions, by improving attendance and engagement with specialist renal care.