Our objectives are:
- To support people to lead happier and healthier lives.
- To help people who want to develop their skills and abilities to fulfil their potential.
- To be a happy and healthy enterprise that has the best possible impact for people and for a sustainable world.
We aim to address the most challenging social and economic issues through innovation alongside local people and communities.
We reframe each problem that is presented to us. We then engage with local people relevant to the issue, and create environments for them to use their skills, knowledge and experience.
Local people then explore their ideas, decide on their priorities and create an agenda. When the time is right, they then invite professionals into their space, so that they can nurture and grow new solutions together. Sometimes, we draw on extra thinking from bodies such as ‘think tanks’ and universities, and/or communities in other parts of the world.
Once the solution has been fully developed, the local people and professionals together present it to the relevant leaders and decision-makers in the system. If accepted, the solution is then adopted or adapted for implementation.
We seek to enable not only shorter-term, practical solutions, but also longer-term, systemic change.

The members of our society elect all of the non-executive directors to the Board of Directors.
The Board of Directors manages the business of the society and exercises its powers by:
- shaping the organisation’s mission and strategic direction
- monitoring and improving performance
- ensuring leadership and resources
- ensuring accountability for activities to relevant parties, especially our members (Supporters)

The Board comprises executive Directors and non-executive Directors. The non-executive Directors always comprise the majority, and elect the Chair from amongst their number after each Annual Meeting.
The Board reports formally to the members at the Annual Meeting. There is also a monthly update sent to all members. We also do regular surveys of members to seek their views on the development and activity of the society.
Board meetings are open for members, staff and other stakeholders to observe, unless there is a legitimate reason why all or part of a meeting should be closed and held in private.
Our society is registered at the Financial Conduct Authority (Register number 30669 R). Our public documents are freely available on the Mutuals Public Register.
“Long may your influence continue. I am literally in awe of your patience, kindness and determination but above all else, I'm drawn to and influenced by the dignity with which you treat each and every one of your colleagues.”