2021 – 2024

To co-produce innovative local solutions to address four key determinants of health and well-being:
- future prosperity (tackling child poverty)
- healthy environment (tackling climate breakdown)
- making time for each other (tackling loneliness and social isolation)
- looking out for each other (preventing suicide)

A group of local young adults developed initial ideas and concepts. With the fundamental theme of stability of security for children, they prioritised and produced a vision and aims for two issues: enjoyable work and good homes. The group then engaged with professional ‘decision makers’ (from health, housing, planning and skills and work) to develop the ideas and concepts and to co-produce specific proposals.
On enjoyable work, in the short-term, the group tested recruitment and selection processes of large local employers.
On good homes, in the short-term, the group produced Your Good Home, a magazine that inspires people on a low income to create a good home.

On enjoyable work, for the long-term, the group produced a series of ideas for employers on Inclusive Recruitment: accessing the untapped potential of unemployed young adults. Two large employers used this to redesign their recruitment processes.
On good homes, for the long-term, the group produced Good Homes in Good Places, a proposal for a Homes Strategy that reflects on their experiences. This was adopted as an objective in Salford’s Housing Strategy 2025-2030.