First project work on physical regeneration. Accredited as a Living Pension employer.

Strategic decision to evolve focus on to innovation for system change. Start of a series of projects to optimise the impact of local assets.

Expansion of innovation approach into economic innovation. First project work on housing and homes. Accredited as a Living Hours employer.

End of provision of services, with a full focus on innovation. Founding member of enablers group for GoodLives GM, to support community-led innovation to reduce inequalities in Greater Manchester. Spun out Beyond Empower CIC as an independent social enterprise.

Full operation during COVID lockdowns. Start of a series of projects to create social and economic solutions with local people. Made a member of the Greater Manchester Good Employment Charter.
Strategic decision to focus only on innovation. Certified as a Disability Confident leader. Salford became the first accredited Living Wage City in England.
Start of a series of projects to improve employment opportunities for disadvantaged people. Innovation Award at Greater Manchester Health and Care Champion Awards.
Certified as a Disability Confident employer.
Start of a series of projects to address the wider determinants of health and well-being. Spun out Healthwatch Salford as an independent social enterprise. As a partner in Being Well Salford, winner of the Health and Wellbeing Award from the Royal Society of Public Health.

Inclusion as one of five partner sites in the Realising the Value programme for NHS England to put people and communities at the heart of health and well-being. Start of deeper exploration of disadvantage and inequality with the Elephants Trail, our first Greater Manchester-wide project. Winner of the Innovation Award at the Salford Business Awards. Accredited with the Fair Tax Mark. Salford becomes the first Social Enterprise City in north-west England.
First direct engagement with clinical services, through a project with renal services at Salford Royal Hospital.
Presentation to Muhammad Yunus, Nobel Peace Prize winner. Accredited as a Living Wage employer.

Start of exploration of social innovation. Winner of the Innovation Award at the Salford Business Awards.
Innovation Award from Greater Manchester Chamber of Commerce. Awarded Positive about Disabled People accreditation.
100% of income secured from contracts and no grant funding. First activity outside Salford with the It’s A Goal! programme. Awarded the Investors in People standard.

Conversion to a community benefit society, with a change of name to Unlimited Potential, on 1 April, 2009. Shift in focus into wider social issues. First organisation in northern England to be awarded the national Social Enterprise Mark.
CHAP becomes the first organisation in Salford with audited social accounts.
First contracts secured, with Salford Primary Care Trust and Salford City Council, working across Salford. First social accounting framework agreed.
First detailed business plan produced. Positive impact framework developed for wider social, economic and environmental value.
First chief executive employed. Employment of all staff transferred from the Big Life Company to CHAP.
New Deal Communities funded CHAP for organisational development and community empowerment.
CHAP received its first funding from New Deal Communities to deliver services in Charlestown and Lower Kersal.
CHAP was incorporated as a company limited by guarantee on 27 September, 2002.
The concept of Community Health Action Partnership (CHAP) was born by a small group of local people in Charlestown and Lower Kersal, Salford.
Charlestown and Lower Kersal New Deal Communities was launched in Salford. One of its priorities was health improvement.