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2008- 2013


To provide support and advise the Local Involvement Network (LINk) in Salford to carry out a programme of activities in line with its statutory duties.


We hosted the Local Involvement Network. It:

  • promoted and supported the involvement of people in the commissioning, provision and scrutiny of local health and social care services (including public health)
  • obtained the views of people about their need for, and experiences of, local health and social care services (including public health)
  • enabled people to monitor and review the commissioning and provision of health and care services
  • raised the concerns of local people with those responsible for commissioning, providing, managing and scrutinising services (including public health)



An independent social return on investment project found that both strategic stakeholders (statutory services) and commissioned projects (local third sector organisations) alike believed that the Host had performed its role well. 

When legislation changed, the LINk in Salford had a strategy and support to transition to local Healthwatch, informed by the learning done.


Funded by 

Salford City Council (community, health and social care)

Local Involvement Network

SROI report