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2011- 2013


To encourage and support people who smoke to make a positive change in their smoking behaviour.


We supported people to cut down and to stop smoking by having something new to focus on – exchanging smoking to another behaviour.

We did outreach to recruit adult and young smokers who were ready to change their smoking behaviour. It provided one-to-one support and confidence building to develop and deliver individual plans for smoking behaviour change.

We enabled an exchange from smoking to other, positive behaviours by providing rewards to reinforce the positive benefits of quitting. It had a ‘menu’ of support that enabled each person to achieve their plan. This included: positive activities; access to physical activity and healthy eating; stop smoking support; collective activities and socialisation; and support into local activities and networks.


Of the smokers who signed an action plan, 12.0% quit smoking for at least four weeks.

An independent evaluation found that X-Change had learned from previous evaluations and made good progress, including in targeting men.


Funded by 

Salford Primary Care Trust


Level Zero services evaluation