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North- West England


2012- 2013


To test an approach to social innovation with NHS foundation trusts engaging with social innovators and social entrepreneurs within the social sector, in order to produce new solutions to ‘wicked’ problems faced by the NHS.



The programme worked with three NHS foundation trusts: Liverpool Women’s (in Knowsley): Salford Royal; and Cheshire and Wirral Partnership (in Wirral). Each provided the project with a specific ‘wicked’ issue.

Recognising that people are the experts in their own lives and workplaces, we crowdsourced (locally, nationally and globally) socially innovative solutions that drew on resources and assets in local communities. 70.8% came from the local area. 

We ran a step-by-step process, shortlisting a 38.7% average of the ideas, with each receiving a prize of £1,000. We held a marketplace event in each area. Each trust was then invited to select one or none of the proposed solutions.


Our self-evaluation concluded that the process was successful in generating a good range of potentially innovative solutions, many at early stage. People with a direct and personal connection to each problem tended to apply. 

Although the NHS foundation trusts actively participated in the process and marketplace, they struggled to mainstream any of the ideas.


Funded by 

North West Social Value Foundation

Social Innovation with NHS Foundation Trusts
